
If you stopped by Amazon today to buy an ebook copy of Vendetta in Death, the latest J.D. Robb book that currently sits atop the New York Times Best Sellers list, it would cost you $14 and it would be all yours to read and reread as many times as you like. If the library […]

Yesterday I was chatting with my coworker Elizabeth about audiobooks. We’re both always on hold for audiobooks through the Ohio Digital Library, but sometimes we have a gap while we’re waiting. I mean, it never seems to fail that the audiobook I’m most excited for on my hold list says it will be available soon […]

For the past two years, no adult program has brought in as many people as our wildly popular Tai Chi. Over 900 people have come to either one of our weekly sessions, summer monthly sessions, or gotten a taste at our How-To Festival. And next week, it all starts back up again. Every Tuesday from […]

It’s the last week of August, and things are pretty quiet here at the library. Well, quiet in that we don’t have a lot of programs and activities going on. It’s extremely not quiet in the auditory sense. Our various construction projects are in full swing, and as I type this, there’s some horrible drill […]

Our newsletter for September-December is hot off the presses and ready for you to pick up anytime you pop in the library. Now, popping in is a little trickier than usual, so you might want to check out our Renovation Update info.  We’re hoping everything will be done by the end of October, but before […]

I like to read. I have no doubt all of you find that shocking, but I do. I really, really do. I listen to audiobooks in the car, I pop open an ebook with my morning coffee, I curl up with a hardback on the couch at night. I’ve always got at least a couple […]

I spend a lot of time in front of a computer. I’m on one most of the day at work, and my primary hobby is writing, so I’m usually on my laptop at home. Lately, it’s led to me having some problems with eyestrain, so I’ve been fiddling with the settings on my computer as […]

A new book comes out and you’re dying to get your hands on it, or at least your metaphorical hands because the book is available for download from the Ohio Digital Library on the Libby app. There’s a hold list for this marvelous book (drat!), so you put yourself on the list and wait. And […]

Can you see this? How about this? Any better? Reading webpages can sometimes be pain when the text isn’t the right size. In the above examples, I changed the size as I typed it, but when you’re viewing someone else’s website, you’re kind of stuck with whatever the web designer decided. Or are you? There […]

Sorry everybody. No time to blog. There’s new Jo Nesbo out today. Shelia