
You can browse our OverDrive collection of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and videos on your computer or download the classic OverDrive app.

The classic OverDrive app is recommended if using an older device or a Fire tablet, require the use of a screen reader, or want to view our selection of streaming videos.

Ebooks can be sent to your Kindle or Kindle reading app. Learn how.

Available on iOS, Android, Chromebooks, Kindle Fire, and laptop/desktop computers.

Need help? Visit the OverDrive Help site.

Libby is the new app to enjoy ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines from OverDrive.

Easy to get started for first-time users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users.

Ebooks can be sent to your Kindle or Kindle reading app. Learn how.

Available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for smartphones and tablets.

Need help? Use our unique step by step guide for Libby or  visit the full Libby Help site.


Introducing hoopla digital!

eBooks, movies, TV, music, audiobooks, and comics are available on hoopla digital. Access and enjoy nearly half a million titles, from six different formats all in one location, from your computer, tablet, smartphone, Apple TV, or Roku! Hoopla Digital now offers Hoopla Flex. In addition to your normal, montly Hoopla instant borrows, you will have additional Hoopla Flex borrows to use on specially marked Hoopla Flex eBooks and audio books.