Written on November 29th, 2021 by Shelia
The word “databases” for some people brings up a vision of boring research and school papers. For others of you, I bet you see the word “databases” and your eyes just glaze over, because you aren’t even entirely sure what that means. But here’s the thing—there’s lots of stuff we at the library refer to […]
Written on November 23rd, 2021 by Shelia
Our first ever Year of Reading Challenge is about to come to an end as we ask folks to participate in our final theme—Mysteries! Throughout the year, we have had a different theme every month, and any book you read that fits the theme makes you eligible to win a gift card. But you have […]
Written on November 3rd, 2021 by Shelia
The air is crisp, the days are noticeably shorter, and there’s really no doubt that fall is here. And with fall, comes a batch of new November titles for adults to enjoy, especially from big name authors releasing books for the holidays. I suppose I should mention, though, that there are some supply chain issues […]
Written on October 26th, 2021 by Shelia
I love nonfiction. I think sometimes nonfiction gets a bad rap for being dry and too much like school, but there’s so much fascinating and readable nonfiction out there, I get really excited when I have a chance to share it. So, here we are, with nonfiction as a monthly theme for the Year of […]
Written on October 5th, 2021 by Shelia
As we continue our Explore Writing theme, next week will be talking about Stephen King’s book, On Writing. Part writing how-to, part memoir, the book is a fascinating examination of one of the most popular authors in history, as well as his thoughtful advice for anyone who enjoys writing. I envision the discussion being a […]
Written on October 1st, 2021 by Shelia
It’s a new month, and that means we’re getting ready for new books, DVDs, and CDs to share with all of you. And if you can believe it, we’re even getting in our first batch of Christmas books for the year, and those are included at the end of the list. There’s plenty for folks […]
Written on September 29th, 2021 by Shelia
This October we are encouraging Teens and Adults to write a ghost story for the chance to win a prize: one lucky teen gets a Zepp’s gift card and the Adult winner gets a gift card for Books-A-Million. We’re pretty flexible on the definition of story, but a standard length for a short story is […]
Written on September 28th, 2021 by Shelia
With Halloween closing out the month, Horror is a traditional theme for October, and the Year of Reading Challenge saw no reason to mess with tradition! Read any horror book in October and log it as an Activity Badge to be entered into the monthly drawing for a gift card. Below is a list compiled […]
Written on September 22nd, 2021 by Shelia
After having to take 2020 off (how often have we all said that?), Local Author Fair is returning! It’s not going to be quite like our first event back in 2019, but we actually think it might turn out to be even better. Let me explain. Just like our 2019 Local Author Fair, we […]
Written on September 15th, 2021 by Shelia
Since March of 2020, our services and programs have been forced to change. Some things we made to-go, others we moved online, and yet more programs had to be paused. Now we’re slowly trying to bring some programs back to how they once were. One program that took a little hiatus but is starting back […]