The North Canton Public Library selects and acquires materials to promote its mission and vision. By acquiring, organizing, and maintaining these materials, the North Canton Public Library seeks to provide access to a broad and balanced view of society – its culture, history, and diversity of beliefs. Access to materials representing diverse points of view makes possible an informed, enlightened populace by providing a wide variety of facts, opinion, and ideas from which to choose.
The North Canton Public Library adheres to the principles of the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to View, and the Freedom to Read statements adopted by the American Library Association.
Selection of Materials
Library staff charged with collection development duties utilize some or all of the following criteria in selecting materials appropriate for the North Canton Public Library’s collection:
-Relevance to the vision, mission, goals, and service responses of the Library
-Timeliness and importance for contemporary society
-Competence, popularity, and reputation of author, illustrator, creator, producer, performer, and/or publisher and relevancy to the entire community
-Suitability of subject and method of presentation for intended audience
-Relationship to existing collection and other media in the same subject field
-Does not violate the legal definition of obscene materials
-Cost and availability of funds
-Representative expression of controversial or minority points of view
-Suitability of physical form to library use
-Textbooks are purchased only when the information also serves the general public or is unavailable in other forms
-Equal access to a unique variety of materials that support life-long learning and enrichment
Labeling of Materials
Library collections will be organized and maintained according to an accepted system of organization (Dewey Decimal, alphabetical, genre, etc.). NCPL will not remove or shield materials in the collection due to controversial content or images.
Maintenance of Collection
Library collections will be regularly maintained to meet the ever-changing needs of the Library and the community. Damaged, unattractive, outdated, and unused materials are subject to recycling and discard. NCPL, at the discretion of the collection development staff, may donate weeded materials to organizations as is fitting in regard to library space constraints and to meet library and community need. The Library may choose not to replace certain items in the event that the information is outdated, no longer meets community needs or the space could be better utilized.
Controversial Materials
The North Canton Public Library, as one of its unique reasons for existence, provides the means to study the several sides of the issues by obtaining materials containing opposing views on controversial topics including those of an unorthodox and/or unpopular nature. This standard does not necessarily imply numerical balance. Materials of the required quality, serving the purposes of the Library, and relating to an existing need or interest will not be removed from the collection nor will materials lacking these qualities be added because of pressure by groups or individuals.
Individuals questioning material in the Library may ask library staff about such material. The staff person in charge of the location at the time will discuss these concerns and give the individual a copy of this policy.
Individuals may request reconsideration of a selection decision of library material by submitting a written Library Material Review Request via the Library’s website or paper form.
When a request for review is received, a committee will be formed that includes the Library Director, the collection development staff responsible for selecting the item in question, as well as at least one other staff member with collection development responsibilities. This committee will meet to review the request and evaluate the resource in its entirety. The committee will make a decision on the challenged materials and the Director will then provide a written response conveying the committee’s decision to the individual(s) or group who filed the Request for Reconsideration. The written response will include documentation (reviews, publisher/author credentials, etc.) on the criteria used in selecting the item in question. Any appeal to this response will be referred to the Library’s Board of Trustees with a recommendation for disposition. The complainant will be informed in writing of the Board of Trustees’ decision as soon as possible after the next Board meeting is held. The final responsibility for materials removal resides with the Board of Trustees.
Patron Requests for Purchase
NCPL welcomes purchase suggestions from patrons. A Patron Request for Purchase form is available on the Library’s website. All patron requests and recommendations are subject to the selection criteria outlined above. Acceptance of the request form does not guarantee inclusion in the collection. Because of limited budget and space, the Library is unable to purchase all materials that are requested. NCPL’s interlibrary loan (ILL) system, Serving Every Ohioan, is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this Library’s collection.
Local Authors
The inclusion of independently or self-published materials is based on the merits of the work and must meet the criteria for selection set forth in this policy. Works by local authors, defined as current or former residents of Stark County, and works that have regional interest may be given special consideration. The Library does not accept self-published works by non-local authors or publishers when those works are unsolicited.
Gifts and Donations
The Library welcomes monetary gifts. When the Library receives a monetary donation for the purchase of materials, the collection development staff will select appropriate titles using the criteria for selection listed in this document. A book plate may be requested by the donor using the Memorial Gift & Book Donation form.
The North Canton Public Library accepts donations of materials with the explicit understanding that the item(s) may be retained or disposed of at the discretion of the Library. No monetary appraisal is made of donated materials. Materials that are not added to the Library’s collection will be forwarded to the appropriate organization where they may be sold, donated to another organization, or discarded.
Approved by the North Canton Public Library Board of Trustees – March 21, 2022; revised – November 20, 2023.