As we continue our Explore Writing theme, next week will be talking about Stephen King’s book, On Writing. Part writing how-to, part memoir, the book is a fascinating examination of one of the most popular authors in history, as well as his thoughtful advice for anyone who enjoys writing. I envision the discussion being a hybrid talk about the book and sharing among people with an interest in writing and the craft of storytelling. As someone who has been writing in her spare time for the past 14 years, I’m looking forward to hearing other folks’ processes and what they make of King’s advice.
There are copies of the book here at the library at the Patron Services desk. I’ve actually read the book twice, and I have to say, that I highly recommend it. But even if you don’t have a chance to read On Writing, you are more than welcome to come join the conversation. We will be in the downstairs meeting room Thursday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m. Registration is optional. Feel free to just turn up!
PS I’ll also be at the Farmers Market tomorrow at the old Kmart building from 3-6 p.m. passing out creative writing kits. I’ll have the leftovers at the On Writing discussion for anyone who can’t make it tomorrow. But you will want to come–I will be giving away books at the Farmers Market, including On Writing!
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