Now that we have truly settled into the season of winter and, as I would imagine, cabin fever is starting to set in, I think that it’s the perfect time to tell you about the exciting new line up of teen programs we have going on here at NCPL! We’ve got all of the indoor […]
Welcome to the New Year, and say hello to another stash of new teen materials here at the library! Explore the titles below and get first dibs on your favorites by clicking on the links and reserving them on your card. Ready…set…go! The Lost: Book 5 of the Witch and Wizard Series by James Patterson […]
Hello, again, teens! It’s Laura, and this time I have some goodies to share with you…fresh new releases, hot off the cart! Each week, I will do a post on this blog listing all the new items we get in the Young Adult section that week. Links to the catalog record for each item will be […]
Hello all! My name is Laura Hanby and I am the teen librarian at North Canton Public Library. I am responsible for pretty much everything teen in the library including teen programming (which I do alongside my colleague Edyta Metz), ordering teen materials, doing outreach with the middle school and more! As such, I will […]