Health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health are encouraging people who don’t feel great to stay home. This is always a pretty good idea, but with Coronavirus, aka Covid-19, floating around, it’s probably more important than usual. But just because you’re at home, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the library!
We have loads of resources on our website. You might want to start at our Digital Materials page. If you want a book to read or listen to, we have access for you to The Ohio Digital Library as well as hoopla digital. (The Ohio Digital Library also has magazines, and Hoopla has comics.)
If you’d rather kick back and watch something, we have three services for streaming video: hoopla for movies and TV, Kanopy for films and documentaries, and Acorn TV for British TV and films.
And if you want to actually take this as an opportunity to learn something, there are tens of thousands of training videos on for learning everything from how to make a spreadsheet to how to start a podcast. Or watch one of the hundreds of Great Courses we offer.
You might also want to stop by some websites with information about Covid-19. The CDC has a page, as does the Ohio Department of Health tracking known cases in the state. I’m also a fan of medical information from the Mayo Clinic, if you want to check out their page. And remember, nothing helps prevent the spread of Covid-19 like washing your hands, especially after you just covered that cough or sneeze with a tissue. If you haven’t washed your hands recently, do your best to keep them away from your face. Oh, and be sure to disinfect surfaces, particularly high-touch surfaces like your desk, doorknobs, tables, phones, keyboards, and the like at least once a day.
Be safe out there, folks, and if you do happen to get sick, enjoy the library online!
PS If you don’t have a card, sign up for one online and start using all these electronic materials right away!
Thanks for reminding us of the wonderful resources available through our library!