Post by: NCPL
Find Kaylene Way teaching How-to Recognize the Signs of Alzheimer’s at 11:30 a.m. at the How-to Festival.
Kaylene Way is the Education Coordinator for the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater East Ohio and has spent the past 2 years providing education programs to community members, family caregivers and professionals across the chapter’s 17 county territory. In addition to providing education programs, Kaylene serves on the Alzheimer’s Association National Diversity and Inclusion Council as the chapter representative. Most recently, Kaylene has been chosen to serve as the Quality Improvement Project Coordinator for the “Making Ohio Dementia Capable” project, set forth by the Ohio Department of Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association.
Kaylene has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Policy and Advocacy and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Kaylene has spent the past 5 years in community outreach and public health related positions in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Kaylene grew up in long-term care facilities, largely in part due to her mother’s profession, and has been volunteering on her own time for the past 17 years. Her professional goal is to help individuals communicate with healthcare professionals and help them navigate the complex healthcare and government systems, and to also help healthcare professionals understand the unique needs of the aging population and provide relevant, quality programs and services.
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